Sunday, December 27, 2009

Christmas 2009

We had a wonderful Christmas at the Thomas house. Both of the kiddos really enjoyed the presents they received. Natalie had a very girlie morning with a kitchen set, new baby doll and a pink princess coupe car. Ian got a few Star Wars items and the whole family is enjoying a Wii video game system. Its really nice to have this holiday back in Louisville in our new home.
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Sunday, December 13, 2009

Gingerbread Project

Ian and I tackled a gingerbread house project this Sunday evening. He was a really into getting all the pieces ready and anxiously awaiting any 'leftover' candy pieces. He helped me pipe on the icing 'glue' and had a big hand in picking out which color candies go where. What you see here is not a finished product but it was all we could get done before bedtime.

Natalie was hanging out with Dad during construction....roaming around us while we were busy building. We particularly enjoyed her cowgirl superhero costume combination.
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Thursday, December 10, 2009

Lazy Morning

On a normal Thursday morning, we'd be up early and boots on the ground. First a quick breakfast, throw on clothes at out at a certain time to avoid traffic at Ian's school. This morning Ian stayed close to home because of a little asthma problem and we all lounged in our PJs. Let me set the scene - beautiful snow falling outside, fireplace going and two snuggly kids. It was awesome.

One of our morning activites was working on puzzles, which we've done a lot lately. They have both gotten quite good at them and Ian sometimes helps sister with her pieces. Natalie's puzzle has fish on it and you have to match up colors to complete. She knows the color, will intentionally put it in the wrong spot while smiling at you saying 'noooo'. After a couple no's she puts it in the proper spot. A litte game within the puzzle that she likes to play.
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