Sunday, November 1, 2009

Halloween 2009

We had a blast on Halloween this year. We had a new neighborhood full of friends and the weather turned out cold, but clear. Despite Ian's love of Star Wars, he was pretty firm about being a Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle (Raphael). Natalie was our resident ladybug. The biggest surprise of the night....Natalie actually got into it. She would see the light on at a house and get excited, walk up with her bag and mumble a trick or treat and thank you. Her little fat fingers would pick out some candy and put it in the bag....on to the next house. It was pretty funny.

We made the rounds with our neighbors (Pablo & Eric, standing) and our old friends the Weilages (Marshall & Jacob, Dragon & little storm trooper respectively). You'll notice the big storm trooper in the middle. That would be my father-in-law who surprised Ian by dressing up and coming to the front door. Grandpa was a huge hit in the neighborhood...everyone wanted to get a picture made with him!!
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